Why We Don't Offer Free Estimates: Our Commitment to Accurate and Transparent Pricing

i bet you are going to ask:

As a construction company, our first interaction with most potential clients usually goes something like this:

"Do you offer free estimates?"

“What do you think this will cost per square foot ($/sf)?”

“We want you to give us a competitive bid at the best price possible.”

“I want you to do this project, but can you give us an estimate first?”

What’s wrong with this thinking? - there is a better way - #BUILTBETTER

Preconstuction - Our Most Important Tool

It's a common practice in the industry, but here at Redwood, we have made a deliberate decision to not offer free estimates. Why? Because we believe in providing accurate and transparent pricing that truly reflects the scope of work and ensures a successful project from start to finish. In this post, we'll explain our reasoning behind this approach and the benefits it brings to our clients.

You might also like our post about why free estimates aren’t really free.

(If you don’t care about the “WHY” and just want to skip to the good part find the “Five Keys to Accurate Estimates” section at the end of this post.) This is all part of our Preconstruction Process, and hopefully, you can see why this is our MOST important tool for your project’s success.

Accurate Pricing from the Start - Transparent Pricing for Informed Decision-Making

At Redwood, we believe that accurate pricing is crucial to the success of any construction project. Free estimates, while enticing, can often be misleading as they may not take into account all the details and complexities of a project. (i.e. If you are doing an addition, are we replacing your entire roof or just the new section?) Inaccurate estimates can result in unexpected costs and delays down the road, leading to frustrations and budget overruns.

Instead of wasting time on multiple free estimates, we invest time and resources into committed customers to give them a thorough estimation process that considers all aspects of the project, from materials and labor costs to permits and potential unforeseen challenges. Our experienced project team all service as estimators utilizing advanced take-off software and a proprietary cost database to provide our clients with a comprehensive and precise estimate that reflects the true cost of their project.

We believe that our clients deserve to know exactly what they are paying for and how their budget will be allocated. That's why we provide detailed and itemized estimates that break down the costs associated with each aspect of the project. This allows our clients to make informed decisions about their priorities and budget allocation and helps us ensure that everyone is on the same page throughout the construction process.

In addition, our transparent pricing approach allows us to maintain open and honest communication with our clients. If any changes or adjustments need to be made during the course of the project, we can provide accurate and updated pricing information, ensuring that our clients are always aware of the financial implications of any decisions made.

This is our first core value in action. Communication.

Value for Money and Quality Construction

Our focus is not just on providing the lowest possible estimate, but on delivering value for money and ensuring high-quality construction. We believe that accurate and transparent pricing is essential to achieving this goal. By providing a realistic estimate that accounts for all aspects of the project, we can ensure that our clients receive the best possible outcome within their budget constraints. We are never forced to pick the cheapest products just to make up for a “missed scope” cost of a free estimate.

Our commitment to accurate and transparent pricing also allows us to maintain a high standard of craftsmanship and attention to detail in our work. It eliminates the need for shortcuts or compromises that may arise from inaccurate estimates, and enables us to deliver a finished project that meets or exceeds our clients' expectations.

This is our second core value in action. Quality.

Investing in the Success of Your Project

We view our clients' projects as investments, and we are committed to their success. By asking for our customers to pay for our services (in lieu of just offering free estimates); we are able to invest the time, effort, and expertise needed to provide accurate and transparent pricing that lays the foundation for a successful construction project. We believe that this approach ultimately benefits our clients by helping them make informed decisions, avoiding unexpected costs, and ensuring a high-quality finished product.

In conclusion, while free estimates may seem attractive at first, we have chosen to prioritize accurate and transparent pricing as a fundamental aspect of our construction process. We believe that this approach leads to successful projects, satisfied clients, and long-lasting relationships built on trust and transparency.

This is our third core value in action. Trust.

If you're considering a construction project, we invite you to contact us and experience the Redwood difference in our commitment to providing projects that are #BuiltBetter. This process involves five key features. We have outlined those below.



Whether you need our assistance or you already have your architect and designers selection, we work to ensure the design is produced in lockstep with a target budget in mind, proceeding from initial concept (Schematic Design, SD) to preliminary plans (Design Development, DD) and final working drawings (Construction Documents, CD) that can be used for permitting and final bids and contracts with vendors.


Specifications are spelled out and verified with the designer(s) and owner in order to clarify details not completely covered in the plans. If selections are not made, then the owner and contractor agree to a cost allowance for materials.

3. Scope of Work (What is Included)

Collaboration with the owner and designer uncovers the most cost-effective means of realizing the owner’s program and the design intent. However, this all needs to also be written down so all parties agree to what is included in the project. We call this the Scope of Work (SOW). The SOW should contain any milestones, reports, deliverables, and end products that are expected to be provided. The SOW should also contain a time line for all deliverables, usually through a project schedule.

4. Budget (How much do you want to spend)

Estimates are secured in lockstep with the work of an independent vendors and suppliers. Estimates are backed by documentation including labor rates for work and written bids from trade partners (subs). Overhead and profit are expressed on separate lines, with nothing concealed in lines for material, labor, or trade partners. This is where transparent pricing is achieved.

5. Agreement (terms)

The owner agrees that if cost planning goes well, Redwood will build the project. If we decide to part ways or not move forward with the project, both the owner and the contractor can walk away amicably with value for their efforts and a product to show for the investment made.