Why You Don't Want a Free Estimate

If you're considering starting a construction project, it's important to ask the right questions during the pre-construction consultation. However, one question that you may not have considered is whether or not the contractor offers free estimates. While it may seem like a good deal at first glance, the truth is that free estimates are often not free at all. In fact, they can end up costing you more in the long run.

As they say, Nothing in Life is Free. It applies to your project!

Reasons we Don’t Offer “Free” Estimates

At Redwood, we believe that our approach to estimating provides a win-win for both us and our customers. We don't offer free estimates, but we do offer a paid preconstruction agreement that gives you complete clarity on what we are going to do and what it will look like when we are done, as well as the level of cost for this investment. This approach allows us to deliver value to our customers while also ensuring that we are able to provide high-quality services at a fair price.

So why don't we offer free estimates? Here are a few reasons:

  1. The True Cost of Free Estimates: Most contractors have to estimate 5 to 10 jobs for every 1 project that they "win." This means they have to increase the margins enough to pay for all 10 estimates for every one project they build. This leads to higher costs for the customer in the long run, as those costs are passed on to them.

  2. Change Orders and Hidden Costs: Free estimates can lead to unexpected costs and change orders during construction. This can lead to delays and additional costs that were not accounted for in the original estimate. By offering a paid preconstruction agreement, we can help you finalize the design, all material selections, and agree to a budget before we swing a single hammer, reducing the risk of change orders and hidden costs.

  3. Building a Strong Foundation: Every great project starts by building a sturdy foundation. Our preconstruction engagement is the process that leads to a firm foundation to ensure the success of your project. By investing in a paid preconstruction agreement, you can ensure that your project is off to a strong start, with a complete scope of work and a detailed cost breakdown.

But Wait, There’s More!

In addition to these reasons, we also believe that our paid preconstruction agreement offers a number of benefits to our customers. For example:

  1. Test Run: By making a small investment upfront, you can get a valuable "test run" with our team. This allows you to see how our team operates and ensure that you are comfortable entering into a construction project together.

  2. Discounted Final Costs: In many cases, when the preconstruction engagement goes really well and leads to a full construction agreement with a complete scope up front, we are able to offer to discount our final fee for an amount equal to as much as 50% of the preconstruction costs. This is another win-win outcome as our team can be much more efficient in building your project, instead of waiting on changes or incurring delays while extra cost and design decisions are reviewed.

The Bottom Line

At Redwood, we don't provide preconstruction services to make money. We created this process to deliver on our core mission to ensure that every project is #BuiltBetter. By investing in a paid preconstruction agreement, you can ensure that your project is off to a strong start and that you are getting the best value for your investment. So when you're considering starting a construction project, don't just ask about the design and construction process. Make sure you ask about the preconstruction process and how the contractor estimates their projects.

Need even more convincing? Read more about the advantages of our Preconstruction Process.